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Here at Gloria Deo, art is a vital part of the educational process. Our Art Room inccoperates multicultural lessons, career driven projects, and self-motivational activities. My goal in teaching is to promote responsible individuality, respect for one’s self and society, and a desire to persevere through all obstacles. This philosophy can be used in faith, marriage, parenting and just life in general. This blog will be dedicated to all of the above. <>< Mrs. Herren

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mrs. Kern's Class

"Using our senses"  We studied many disabled artists who do not allow their differences to hinder their artistic ability.  We then created art in the way these artist create.  We used our mouths and toes to hold our paint brushes.  We blindfolded ourselves and used our hands to paint.  This was a wonderful experience!  This class makes my heart happy!

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