
My photo
Here at Gloria Deo, art is a vital part of the educational process. Our Art Room inccoperates multicultural lessons, career driven projects, and self-motivational activities. My goal in teaching is to promote responsible individuality, respect for one’s self and society, and a desire to persevere through all obstacles. This philosophy can be used in faith, marriage, parenting and just life in general. This blog will be dedicated to all of the above. <>< Mrs. Herren

Friday, March 12, 2010

1st grade dinosaurs

We study DINOSAURS!  Always a favorite.  We read the book "Dad's Dinosaur Day" by author Diane Hearn.  (It's a wonderful story with amazing illistrations.)  We created wearable art by making dinosaur hats.

More cupcakes

Springfield Discovery Center Art Show

Bingham and Pershing Elementary are having an art show at the Springfield Discovery Center. 
March 13th - April 1st.