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Here at Gloria Deo, art is a vital part of the educational process. Our Art Room inccoperates multicultural lessons, career driven projects, and self-motivational activities. My goal in teaching is to promote responsible individuality, respect for one’s self and society, and a desire to persevere through all obstacles. This philosophy can be used in faith, marriage, parenting and just life in general. This blog will be dedicated to all of the above. <>< Mrs. Herren

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Well, the new school year has begun! We are getting back into the swing of things.

K-1: I've been assessing their skill levels by giving "pretests". We reviewed out colors, the Color Wheel, and shapes.

2: I am also reviewing skills, however, at a much more advanced pace. They created a line project by following step-by-step directions. I then assessed their fine motor skills by asking them to color in their art using the following directions: Ever time you see a black line you must STOP and change your color.

3-4: After assessing skill levels the first day, we've moved right into the study of our galaxy. Upon the passing of the great Neil Armstrong, we are studying the first moon landing, our planets, and outer space. Students will be using oil pastels to create a 2D outer space illustration with 3D presence. After using oil pastels, we will be filling in all blank space with black watercolors.

5-6: Game Boards. We are inventing, designing, and constructing our very own (original) board games. The games must be completely functional; containing any and all working parts and pieces. The students are working in teams and will eventually trade game boards with the opposing class for assessment.

In other news! We found out we are now expecting another baby boy! Yay! This has started a snowball of events in the Herren household. For example, we are trying to sell our wonderful home in order to expand to a larger place. This is a huge step for us because our home is so dear to our hearts. We have put an immense amount work and love into this place and it will be hard for all of us to move. However, we are looking for some land and a home with a basement. With much prayer, we are waiting on the Lord to bring the perfect little family to our home and to open up the perfect place for us to move. This will be an exciting, but overwhelming season in our lives and we are so looking forward to whatever the Lord has for our growing family.

This past week I was super mom! It was probably a pregnancy thing. However, I made my own homemade laundry soap for the first time. SUPER easy! I can't believe I haven't done this before. Plus, it works just great! I also made a new enchilada recipe which was wonderful. Cooking is such a passion of mine and I love to experiment with new ideas. In addition I also made the most amazing fresh pear pie. SO GOOD! My mouth is still watering. I have recently discovered a dishwasher detergent recipe which I am anxious to try as well. Hopefully that will turn out just a good and save us some money. With a new little one on the way we need to pinch pennies any way we can.