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Here at Gloria Deo, art is a vital part of the educational process. Our Art Room inccoperates multicultural lessons, career driven projects, and self-motivational activities. My goal in teaching is to promote responsible individuality, respect for one’s self and society, and a desire to persevere through all obstacles. This philosophy can be used in faith, marriage, parenting and just life in general. This blog will be dedicated to all of the above. <>< Mrs. Herren

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

4th 3-D Shoes

One 4th grade class is working on building fully function shoes using papier-mâché and paper strips. It's a challenge, but they are persevering through it. We’re only in the beginning stages, but the students are already discovering it’s tougher than it looks. The objective is to create a REAL shoe. They will be graded on the durability of their shoe by wearing their creation and walking down the hallway and back without the shoe falling apart.

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