
My photo
Here at Gloria Deo, art is a vital part of the educational process. Our Art Room inccoperates multicultural lessons, career driven projects, and self-motivational activities. My goal in teaching is to promote responsible individuality, respect for one’s self and society, and a desire to persevere through all obstacles. This philosophy can be used in faith, marriage, parenting and just life in general. This blog will be dedicated to all of the above. <>< Mrs. Herren

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day Butterflies

1st grade studies symmetry.  We discussed several different creatures there are symmetrical; including humans!  We created symmetrical butterflies for our mothers (or person that takes care of us like a mother should) for Mother's Day.

Mrs. Kern's Class

"Using our senses"  We studied many disabled artists who do not allow their differences to hinder their artistic ability.  We then created art in the way these artist create.  We used our mouths and toes to hold our paint brushes.  We blindfolded ourselves and used our hands to paint.  This was a wonderful experience!  This class makes my heart happy!

4th Grade Shoes

We used paper-mâché to design and construct shoes.  The objective was to create a durable shoe that can be worn without falling apart.  The students had to walk 3 laps around our gym without their shoe breaking.  The kids LOVED this project.  It was messy, but SO worth it!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Picasso Potato

Our life skills class studied emotions. We created Picasso Potato’s!

Studying the Color Wheel

About 5 years ago I began teaching the color wheel to kindergarteners and first graders. I quickly found it was difficult for them to imagine and understand the complexity of a real color wheel. This led me to create the giant color wheel you see in the pictures. The color disks Velcro down to the foam board. The entire wheel folds up into one pizza slice. There are also black lines (foam board) that I use to connect the colors together to create color schemes. This has been a WONDERFUL tool for the kids to truly learn and understand colors. After only a few practice rounds, kindergarteners can easily assemble the wheel.

1st graders studies the color wheel! After reviewing our primary, secondary, and triadary colors, we divided into two teams; The Real Cool’s and The Awesome Dudes. Using a stopwatch, I timed each team to see who could put the wheel together the fastest. They LOVE this game!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4th and 5th grade Playing Cards

We studied reverse mirrored imaging. The students researched the constructions of playing cards. We even watched a video clip on how cards are made. (so cool!) We then used tracing paper to design and create our own unique playing cards.

Friday, March 12, 2010

1st grade dinosaurs

We study DINOSAURS!  Always a favorite.  We read the book "Dad's Dinosaur Day" by author Diane Hearn.  (It's a wonderful story with amazing illistrations.)  We created wearable art by making dinosaur hats.